Prof. Dr. Ludo Vanopdenbosch FAAN FEAN

Neuroloog: algemene neurologische opname afdeling, spoedopname neurologie, neurologie op intensieve zorgen, multipele sclerose, neuro-oncologie,    AZ Sint Jan Brugge, 2001-

Verantwoordelijk arts van het palliatief support team, AZ Sint Jan Brugge 2009-

Gastprofessor KULeuven, 2015-22 , cursus neuroanatomie KHBO-VIVES-KULeuven Brugge 1999-2022

Gastprofessor VUB, 2020- , palliatieve zorg (cursus neurologie), faculteit geneeskunde 

Voorzitter van de Erkenningscommissie Neurologie 2023-

Voorzitter van de Commissie voor Ethiek, AZ Sint Jan Brugge Oostende 2010-23 

Voorzitter van de Provinciale Geneeskundige Commissie van West Vlaanderen 2012-22 

Effectief lid en lid van het bureau van de Federale Toezichtcommissie van de kwaliteitsvolle uitoefening van de gezondheidszorgberoepen 2022-

Voorzitter van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Neurologie 2017-21 

Secretaris Generaal van de Belgische Neurologische Vereniging 2022- 

Voorzitter van de Belgische Beroepsvereniging voor Neurologie 2024- 

Coördinator van het federaal erkend expertisecentrum voor patiënten in vegetatieve en minimaal responsieve toestand 2004- 

Consulent neuroloog, Penitentiair Complex Brugge 2004- 

Verkozen lid van de Provinciale Raad van de Orde van Geneesheren 2016- 

Co-chair scientific panel palliative care European Academy of Neurology  2019-23 

Fellow van de American Academy of Neurology (FAAN) 2010- 

Fellow van de European Academy of Neurology (FEAN) 2022- 

Bestuurslid VAS 2010-

Wetenschappelijk expert Federale Hoge Gezondheidsraad 2022-

  • Conflict resolution certificate Cornell University, 2023
  • European Palliative Care Academy UK, Germany, Poland, Romania 2015
  • Vlaamse Interuniversitaire cursus palliatieve zorg UAntwerpen, KULeuven, UGent 2012
  • American Academy of Neurology Advocacy Class of the Palatucci Leadership Forum 2010 Advocate; 2012 Advisor
  • Academische Graad van Specialist in de Neurologie KULeuven 2001
  • General Medical Council (UK) registered medical practitioner with specialist registration: neurology 2009
  • United States Medical Licensing Exam 1996
  • Academische graad Arts KULeuven 1996


  • Inter-assay diagnostic accuracy of cerebrospinal fluid kappa free light chains for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Dekeyse C, De Kesel P, Cambron M, Vanopdenbosch L, Van Hijfte L, Vercammen M, Laureys G. Front
  •  Immunol 2024;15: Plus: final results of shorter ocrelizumab infusion from a randomized controlled trial. Hartung HP, Berger T, Bermel R, Brochet B, Carroll WM, Holmoy T, Karabudak R, Killestein J, Nos C, Patti F, Perrin Ross A, Vanopdenbosch L, Vollmer T, Buffels R, Garas M, Kadner K, Manfrini M, Wang Q, Freedman M. J Neurol 2024;
  • Katatonie als initiële uiting van acute gedissemineerde encefalomyelitis. Lesage I, Vanopdenbosch L, Cambron M, Defruyt J. Tijdschr Psych 2023(65):388-91.
  • Sinus cavernosus trombose en hersenabces als complicatie van een tandabces. Jansen S, Hostens A, Van Tomme N, Abeloos J, Casselman J, Vanopdenbosch L. TVGG 2023;79(5):411-7.
  • Leptomeningeal myelomatosis as a rare presentation of multiple myeloma: a case report. Bouttelgier RM, Verhé M, Van Droogenbroek J, Vanopdenbosch LJ. Belg J  Hematol 2023;14(2):73-6.
  • The involvement of palliative care with neurology – a comparison of UK, Switzerland and Italy. Oliver D, Baker I, Borasio GD, Cras P, Faull C, Hepgul N, de Visser M, Vanopdenbosch L, Voltz R, Veronese S. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 2022; Oct 26:1-7.
  • Neuropalliative care in times of war. Rukovina K, Oliver D, Guijarro C, Tudor K I, Veronese S, Vanopdenbosch L. Eur J Neurol 2022; 29(10): 3130-3131.
  • Quality indicators in neuro-oncology: Review of the literature and development of a new quality indicator set for glioma care through a two-round Delphi survey. Vanhauwaert D, Pinson H, Sweldens C, Du Four S, Van Eycken L, QINO consortium (…, Vanopdenbosch L, …), De Schutter H, De Vleeschouwer S, Boterberg T. J Neuro-Oncology 2022; 157(2):365-76.
  • TNN Neuro-imaging: Uw diagnose? Van Dycke A, Casselman J, De Muynck S, Vanopdenbosch L. TNN 2021;122:351-3.
  • The care of people with ALS – the collaboration between neurology with palliative care across Europe. Oliver D, Borasio G, Cras P, Hepgul N, Lorenzl S, De Visser M, Vanopdenbosch L, Veronese S, Voltz R. Eur J Neurol 2021;28(S1):349 (Abstract).
  • Two related cases of super-refractory status epilepticus due to 4-aminopyridine intoxication and an overview of the literature. Van Looy E, Van Dycke A, Vanopdenbosch L. Epileptic Disorders 2021;23(3):527-30.
  • Efficacité d’ocrelizumab (OCR) dans l’étude de phase IIIb ENSEMBLE : résultats intermédiaires à 1 an sur le taux d’absence d’activité de la maladie (NEDA avec IRM de rebaseline) dans la sclérose en plaques récurrente-rémittente (SEP-RR) à un stade précoce. Brochet B, Berger T, Patti F, Vanopdenbosch LJ, Buffels R, Kuenzel T, Hartung HP. Revue Neurologique 2021;177:S106-7 (Abstract)
  • Recently Diagnosed Early-Stage RRMS: NEDA, ARR, Disability Progression, Serum Neurofilament and Safety: 1-Year Interim Data From the Ocrelizumab Phase IIIb ENSEMBLE Study. Vollmer T, Freedman MS, Killestein J, Nos C, Vanopdenbosch L, Buffels R, Kadner K, Kuenzel T, Kulyk I, Hartung HP, on behalf of the ENSEMBLE Investigators and Steering Committee. Neurology 2021;96:2261 (abstract).
  • Public Policy in ALD/MND Care: The Belgian Perspective. Reviers E, Vanopdenbosch L, Van Den Bosch L, Van Damme P. Book chapter in: Public Policy in ALS/MND Care. Blank RH, Kurent JE, Oliver D (Eds). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
  • Shorter infusion time of ocrelizumab: results from the randomized, double blind ENSEMBLE PLUS substudy in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Hartung HP, Berger T, Brochet B, Carroll WM, Holmoy T, Karabudak R, Killestein J, Nos C, Patti F, Perrin Ross A, Vanopdenbosch L, Vollmer T, Buffels R, Garas M, Kadner K, Manfrini M, Wang Q, Freedman MS. Mult Scler Rel Dis 2020;46:102492.
  • Kappa free light chains is a valid tool in the diagnostics of MS: a large multicenter study. Leurs C, Twaalfhoven H, Lissenberg-Witte B, … , Vanopdenbosch L, Uitdehaag B, Killestein J, Bridel C, Theunissen C. Mult Scler 2020;26:912-23.
  • Cerebellar progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in a patient with a history of Crohn’s disease and acute myeloid leukemia. Olivier PA, Salamon N, Casselman J, van Droogenbroeck J, Vanopdenbosch LJ. Acta Neurol Belg 2020;120:759-60.
  • There is an urgent need for palliative care specialists in MS. Controversies. Vanopdenbosch L, Cambron M. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2019;25:1712-1713.
  • Neurosyfilis: de kameleon der psychiatrie. Literatuuroverzicht aan de hand van een casusbeschrijving. Van Hoe K, van den Ameele H, Vanopdenbosch L. Tijdschr Psychiatrie 2019;61:720-4.
  • Intensievezorgaspecten van het syndroom van Guillain-Barré in de 21ste eeuw: casusreeksen en systematische literatuurreview. De Burghgraeve F, Vandycke C, D’hollander S, Vanopdenbosch L. Tijdschr voor Geneeskunde 2019;75:652-60.
  • Intra-canal optic nerve cavernous haemangioma: a case report and review of the literature. Algoet M, Van Dyck-Lippens PJ, Casselman J, Sirimsi S, Fletcher C, Van den Berghe I, Vanopdenbosch L, De Muynck S, Vantomme N. World Neurosurgery 2019;126:428-433.
  • Single-arm study to assess comprehensive infusion guidance for the prevention and management of the infusion associated reactions (IARs) in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients treated with alemtuzumab (EMERALD).  Vukusic S, Brassat D, de Seze J, Izquierdo G, Lysandropoulos A, Moll W, Vanopdenbosch L, Arque MJ, Kertous M, Rufi P, Oreja-Guevara C. Mult Scler Rel Dis 2019;29:7-14.
  • Multiple Sclerosis. Ludo J Vanopdenbosch, David J Oliver. Book chapter in: Neuropalliative Care: A Guide to Improving the Lives of Patients and Families Affected by Neurologic Disease. Editors: Claire Creutzfeldt, Benzi Kluger, Robert Holloway. Springer 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-93214-9
  • Predictors of the response to opicinumab in acute optic neuritis. Cadavid D, Balcer L, Galetta S, Aktas O, Ziemssen T, Vanopdenbosch L, Leocani L, Freedman M, Plant G, Preiningerova J, Ziemssen F, Massacesi L, Chai Y, Xu L. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 2018;5(10):1154-1162.
  • Assessment of opicinumab in acute optic neuritis using multifocal visual evoked potential. Klistorner A, Chai Y, Leocani L, Albrecht P, …, Vanopdenbosch L. CNS Drugs 2018;32:1159-71.
  • An intronic VNTR affects splicing of ABCA7 and increases risk of Alzheimer’s disease. De Roeck A, Duchateau L, Van Dongen J, …, Vanopdenbosch L,  Acta Neuropathologica 2018;135(6):827-837.
  • Siponimod versus placebo in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (EXPAND): a double-blind, randomised, phase 3 study. Kappos L, Bar-Or A, Cree BAC, …, Vanopdenbosch L, … Ziemsen T. The Lancet  2018:  DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(18)30475-6
  • Neo-adjuvant temozolomide bij inoperabel glioblastoom. Brijs J, Verhaeghe A, De Cuypere E, Vantomme N, Vanopdenbosch L. Tijdschr voor Geneeskunde 2018;74(7):493-501.
  • Palliative Care in Multiple Sclerosis. Navigating chronic disease can be a difficult pill to swallow at a young age. Ludo J Vanopdenbosch, David J Oliver. Book chapter in: Case studies in neuropalliative care. Edited by Maisha T Robinson. Cambridge University Press 2018. ISBN 9781-108-40491-4.
  • The perils of late advance care planning in multiple sclerosis. Ludo J Vanopdenbosch, David J Oliver. Book chapter in: Case studies in neuropalliative care. Edited by Maisha T Robinson. Cambridge University Press 2018. ISBN 9781-108-40491-4.
  • A Belgian Consensus Protocol for autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis. Laureys G, Willekens B, Vanopdenbosch L, et al. Acta Neurol Belg 2018;118(2):161-168.
  • Management of immune thrombocytopenia in multiple sclerosis patients treated with alemtuzumab treatment: a Belgian consensus. Lambert C, Dubois D, Dive D, Lysandropoulos A, Selleslag D, Vanopdenbosch L, Van Pesch V, Van Wijmeersch B, Janssens A. Acta Neurol Belg 2018;118(1):7-11. Belgian Journal of Hematology 2018;9(3):118-23.
  • NEK1 genetic variability in a Belgian cohort of ALS and ALS-FTD patients. Nguyen HP, Va   n Mossevelde S, Dillen L, Debleecker J, …, Deryck O, Vanopdenbosch L, Delbeck J. Neurobiology of Aging 2018(61):255e1-255e7.
  • Kappa free light chains: an automated alternative to oligoclonal bands for CIS and MS diagnosis? Leurs CE, Twaalfhoven HAM, Witte BI, … Vanopdenbosch L, Uitdehaag BMJ, Killestein J, Bridel C, Teunissen C. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2017;23:591-593.
  • Management of adverse renal events related to alemtuzumab treatment in multiple sclerosis: a belgian consensus. Sprangers B, Decoo D, Dive D, Lysandropoulos A, Vanopdenbosch L, Bovy C. Acta Neurol Belg 2017 Nov 30. doi: 10.1007/s13760-017-0864-x. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis complicating traumatic intracranial hypotension. Keereman V, Delaruelle Z, Hemelsoet D, Vanopdenbosch L, Paemeleire K. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(S1):284-5. (abstract).
  • Functionele neuroanatomie. Ludo Vanopdenbosch. Acco Leuven 2017.
  • Association of cerebral venous thrombosis and intracranial hypotension: review of three cases. L Sinnaeve, K Paemeleire, L Vanopdenbosch. J Stroke Cerebr Vasc Dis 2017;26(8):e165-e169.
  • The EAN-EAPC consensus recommendations of palliative care for patients with chronic and progressive neurological disease – the acceptability for Belgian neurologists. L Vanopdenbosch, E Maes, D Oliver. Eur J Neurol 2017;24(7):995-998. DOI:10.1111/ene.13325.
  • Corticosteroids in the management of acute multiple sclerosis exacerbations. I Smets, L Van Deun, C Bohyn, V van Pesch, L Vanopdenbosch, D Dive, V Bissay, B Dubois. Acta Neur Belg 2017;117(3): 623-633.  DOI 10.1007/s13760-017-0772-0.
  • Safety and efficacy of opicinumab in acute optic neuritis (RENEW): a randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. D. Cadavid, L Balcer, S Galetta, O Aktas, T Ziemssen, L Vanopdenbosch et al. Lancet Neurol 2017;(16):189-199.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome: a clinical evaluation and comparison with current literature. F. De Burghgraeve, C Vandycke, L Vanopdenbosch, M Bourgeois. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2016;28(2S):S26. (abstract)
  • Palliative Care in Multiple Sclerosis. LJ Vanopdenbosch, DJ Oliver, JS Kass. Continuum 2016; 22(3):943-946.
  • Characterizing absolute lymphocyte count profiles in dimethyl fumarate–treated patients with MS. Patient management considerations. RJ Fox, A Chan, R Gold, …, L Vanopdenbosch, … Neurology: clinical practice 2016;6(3):220-229.
  • Neurologie wordt een knelpuntberoep. L Vanopdenbosch, E Vanbuggenhout. Artsenkrant 2016;2451:2.
  • Fluoxetine in progressive multiple sclerosis (FLUOX-PMS). Cambron M, Mostert J, Parra J, …, Vanopdenbosch L, Verhaegen W, Hupperts R, Hengstman G, Michiels V, Van Merhaegen-Wieleman A, De Keyser J. Muliple Sclerosis Journal 2016;22(S3):832-33. (Abstract).
  • Wanneer Lemtrada bij multiple sclerose, een casus. L Vanopdenbosch. Neuron 2016; 21: 3.
  • MRI with intrathecal gadolinium to detect a CSF leak: feasibility and long term safety from an open label single centre cohort study. A Vanhee, K Paemeleire, J Casselman, L Vanopdenbosch. Neurology 2016;86(Supp P4.113). (abstract)
  • Casus van de maand: Een 42-jarige vrouw met hoofdpijn en hypertensie. L Casselman, O Kamoen, B Van den Bergh, JW Casselman, L Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde 2015;71:
  • An initial survey on neurological palliative care. L Vanopdenbosch, D Oliver. Eur J Neurol 2015;22(Suppl.1): 282. (abstract).
  • Palliatieve zorg in de neurologie: een barrière-analyse. L Vanopdenbosch, E Maes, D Oliver. Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg 2015-14(1):87. (abstract).
  • Bing-Neel Syndrome: two unexpected cases and review of the literature. MG Van Cauwenberghe, B Depreter, EN Dumoulin, J Emmerechts, F Nollet, LJ Vanopdenbosch. J Neurol Sci. 2015;356(1-2-;19-26.
  • Ethics and End of Life in the Neuro-ICU. L Vanopdenbosch, F Rincon. Book chapter in: Neurointensive Care: A Clinical Guide to Patient Safety. K Wartenberg, K Shukri, T Abdelhak, Eds. Springer. 2015. ISBN 978-3-319-17293-4.
  • Multiple nocardial abscesses of the brainstem and spinal cord: diagnosis after an open biopsy through a cervical partial central corporectomy. I Peeters, J Casselman, S Vandecasteele, A Janssen, B Regaert, N Vantomme, L Vanopdenbosch. J Neurosurgery: Spine. 2015;23(3):290-3.
  • Neurology and Palliative Care: a barriers analysis. Ludo Vanopdenbosch, David Oliver. Neurology 2015;84(14):Supplement P3.301 (abstract).
  • Efficacy Analysis of the Anti-LINGO-1 Monoclonal Antibody BIIB033 in Acute Optic Neuritis: The RENEW Trial. D Cadavid, L Balcer, S Galetta, O Aktas, T Ziemssen, L Vanopdenbosch, H Butzkueven, F Ziemssen, L Massacesi, Y Chai, L Xu, S Freeman. Neurology 2015;84(14):Supplement P7.202 (abstract).
  • Evaluation of Comprehensive Alemtuzumab Infusion Guidance in Patients with Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis: EMERALD Study Design. P Vermersch, , R Arroyo-Gonzalez, O Fernandez, F Baldinetti, S Krolczyk, L Martell, T Moreau, Ludo Vanopdenbosch. Neurology 2015;84(14):Supplement P7.283 (abstract).
  • Safety and Tolerability of Anti-LINGO1 Monoclonal Antibody BIIB033 in Acute Optic Neuritis: The RENEW Trial. S Freeman, L Vanopdenbosch, H Butzkueven, T Ziemssen, O Aktas, F Ziemssen, L Massacesi, Y Chai, L Xu, D Cadavid. Neurology 2015;84(14):Supplement P7.203 (abstract).
  • Anti-Lingo-1 monoclonal antibody BIIB033 improves optic nerve latency in acute optic neuritis: primary efficacy analysis of the RENEW study. O Aktas, L Vanopdenbosch, G Comi. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2015;21(Suppl:11):52-53. (abstract).
  • Efficacy for remyelination and safety of anti-lingo-1 monoclonal antibody (biib033) in acute optic neuritis: results from the renew study. Kurukulasuriya N, Fernandez O, Balcer L, Galetta S, Aktas O, Ziemssen T, Vanopdenbosch L, Butzkueven H, Ziemssen F, Massacesi L, Chai Y, Xu L, Freeman S, Cadavid D. Journal of the Neurol Sci 2015;357:e14-e15 (abstract).
  • Are atraumatic spinal needles as efficient as traumatic needles for lumbar puncture? N Pelzer, J Vandersteene, TJ Bekooij, GG Schoonman, PW Wirtz, LJ Vanopdenbosch, H Koppen. Neurol Sci 2014;35(12):1997-9.
  • Predictive parameters for the effect of botulinum toxin infiltrations in chronic migraine. BA Bergmans, R Bruffaerts, M Verhalle, L Vanopdenbosch, K Verhoeven, A Van Dycke, O Deryck. J Headache Pain 2014;15(1):1. (abstract).
  • Safety and efficacy of natalizumab in Belgian multiple sclerosis patients: subgroup analysis of the natalizumab observational program. V van Pesch, E Bartholomé, J Caekebeke, … , L Vanopdenbosch, et al. Acta Neurol Belg 2014;114(3):167-78.
  • Fluoxetine in progressive multiple sclerosis (FLUOX-PMS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Cambron M, Mostert J, Haentjens P, D’Hooghe M, Nagels G, Willekens B, Heersema D, Debruyne J, Van Hecke W, Algoed L, De Klippel N, Fosselle E, Laureys G, Merckx H, Van Wijmeersch B, Vanopdenbosch L et al. Trials 2014;15(1):37.
  • Pseudotumoral rebound of multiple sclerosis in a pregnant patient after stopping natalizumab. A Verhaeghe, O Deryck, L Vanopdenbosch. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2014;3(2):279-281.
  • Anti-Glycine receptor antibody mediated Progressive Encephalomyelitis with Rigidity and Myoclonus (PERM) associated with breast cancer. S De Blauwe, P Santens, L Vanopdenbosch. Case Reports in Medicine 2013.
  • MRI characteristics of trigeminal nerve involvement in patients with multiple sclerosis. C Swinnen, S Lunskens, O Deryck, J Casselman, L Vanopdenbosch. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders 2013;2(3):200-3.
  • Real-life outcome of optimally treated patients with malignant glioma. C Swinnen, S Tousseyn, N Vantomme, N Claes, E De Cuypere, G Demeestere, L Vanopdenbosch. Belg J Med Oncol 2012;6:204-6.
  • Bemerkingen van de Belgische Beroepsvereniging der geneesheren-specialisten in de neurologie bij de aanpassing van de nomenclatuur van artikel 20 f), 20f) bis en 20 f) ter. L Vanopdenbosch, E Van Buggenhout. De Geneesheer Specialist, November 2012,5-9.
  • De oude traumatische 20G-lumbaalnaald versus de nieuwe atraumatische 22G-naald; de invloed van hoge eiwitconcentraties. J Vandersteene, L Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2012;113:192-93.
  • Medulloblastoom: de toekomst ligt bij de kennis van het ontstaan. C Trouvé, P Vanacker, L Vanwalleghem, L Vanopdenbosch, S Van Gool. Tijdschr Geneesk 2012;68(17):815-822.
  • Kosteneffectiviteit van immuunmodulerende medicatie bij multiple sclerose. L J Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2012;113:43-4.
  • Resolution of abnormal fractional anisotropy of substantia nigra in organophosphate intoxication. C Swinnen, P Vanacker, J Casselman, M Van Zandijcke, L Vanopdenbosch. Acta Neurol Belg 2011;111:
  • Vascular aspects of multiple sclerosis. Review. M D’haeseleer, M Cambron, L Vanopdenbosch, J De Keyser. Lancet Neurol 2011;10:657-66.
  • MRI with intrathecal gadolinium to detect a CSF leak: a prospective open label cohort study. L Vanopdenbosch, P Dedeken, J Casselman, R Kuhweide. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr 2011;82:456-458.
  • Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in liver transplant recipients: a case report and review of the literature. X Verhelst, G Vanhooren, L Vanopdenbosch, J Casselman, W Laleman, J Pirenne, F Nevens, H Orlent. Transpl Int. 2011;24(4):e30-e34. doi:10.1111/j.1432-2277.2010.01190.x.
  • Toxocariasis presenting as encephalomyelitis. G Helsen, S J Vandecasteele, L J Vanopdenbosch. Case reports in medicine 2011. doi:10.115/2011/503913.
  • Resolution of abnormal fraction anisotropia of the substantia nigra in organophosphate intoxication. L Vanopdenbosch, C Swinnen, P Vanacker, J Casselman, M Van Zandijcke. Neurology 2011;76(S4):A595-596 (Abstract).
  • Unilaterale hyperhidrosis door een maligne mesothelioom. G Helsen, LJ Vanopdenbosch, K Verhoeven. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2010;111:60-3.
  • Art, medicine and surgery: puncture of ascites. R Van Hee, J Dequeker, L Vanopdenbosch. Acta Chir Belg 2010;110:492-7.
  • Het Palliatief Supportteam. Dina Declerck, Ludo Vanopdenbosch. AZ Link oktober 2009, 8-9.
  • Coma en blijvende bewustzijnsstoornissen: een inleiding. L Vanopdenbosch. Logopedie 2009. 17-19.
  • MRI with intrathecal gadolinium to detect a cerebrospinal fluid leak: results of a prospective open label single centre observational cohort. Ludo J Vanopdenbosch, Jan Casselman. Neurology 2009;72(S3):A249 (Abstract).
  • Continue EEG monitoring: wenselijk, haalbaar? Editoriaal. LJ Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2009;110:26-27.
  • Patients with multiple sclerosis and trigeminal neuropathy: MRI findings. Lunskens S, Casselman J, Vanopdenbosch L. Multiple Sclerosis 2008;14:S210. (Abstract).
  • A case of transient global amnesia with perfusion weighted MRI abnormalities supporting the venous congestion theory. De Blauwe S, Maqueda Maqueda V, Casselman J, Vanopdenbosch L. Eur J Neurol 2008;15(S3):288-9 (Abstract).
  • Outcome of vegetative and minimally conscious states: results from the Belgian Federal expertise network. D Ledoux, M-A Bruno, C Schnakers, J Giacino, M Ventura, L Vanopdenbosch, E Peeters, E Lannoo, T Willemart, S Laureys. J Neurol 2008;255(S2):35 (Abstract).
  • Outcome prediction in brain-injured patients. D Ledoux, M-A Bruno, C Schnakers, J Giacino, M Ventura, L Vanopdenbosch, E Peeters, E Lannoo, T Willemart, S Laureys. J Neurol 2008;255(S2):24 (Abstract).
  • Palliatieve zorg en prognose. Editoriaal. LJ Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2007;108:362.
  • Delayed posthypoxic demyelination: a case report with serial MR imaging and MR spectroscopy. Dedeken P., Vanopdenbosch L.J. Multiple Sclerosis 2007;13:S209 (Abstract).
  • Perspectives in Central Nervous System Malignancies: conference report. LJ Vanopdenbosch. Up to date in oncology 2007;7.
  • Leiden associatiestudies tot een betere hersentumorbehandeling? Editoriaal. LJ Vanopdenbosch. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2007;108:41.
  • MRI met intrathecaal gadolinium voor evaluatie van liquorlekkage. Dedeken P, Casselman J, Vlaminck S, Vanopdenbosch LJ. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2007;108:16-20.
  • Post-traumatic pulsatile tinnitus: the hallmark of a direct carotico-cavernous fistula. Lerut B, de Vuyst J, Ghekiere J, Vanopdenbosch L, Kuhweide R. J Laryngol Otol 2007;121(11):1103-7.
  • Linezolid-induced inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis. de Vriese An S, van Coster Rudy, Smet Joël, Seneca Sara, Lovering Andrew, van Haute Lindsey L, Vanopdenbosch Ludo J, Martin Jean-Jacques, Ceuterick-de Groote Chantal, Vandecasteele Stefaan, Boelaert Johan R. Clinical infectious diseases 2006;42(8):1111-1117.
  • The G93C mutation in superoxide dismutase 1. Clinicopathological phenotype and prognosis. L Regal, L Vanopdenbosch, P Tilkin, L Van Den Bosch, V Thijs, R Sciot, W Robberecht. Arch Neurol 2006;63:262-267.
  • Bell palsy with ipsilateral numbness. L Vanopdenbosch, K Verhoeven. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr 2005;76:1017-1018.
  • The ‘flying delirium team’: towards an adequate approach of the acute delirium in a general hospital. Lemey L, Vranken C, Simoens K, Dendooven M, Temmerman B, Van Couter A, Van Hoeyweghen R, Vanopdenbosch L. International Psychogeriatrics 2005;17(S2):260-1. (Abstract).
  • Effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on motor neuron degeneration. L Van Den Bosch, E Storkebaum, V Vleminckx, L Moons, L Vanopdenbosch, W Scheveneels, P Carmeliet, W Robberecht. Neurobiology of Disease 2004,17(1):21-28.
  • Absence of extracellular matrix proteases decreases survival and accelerates death in ALS mice. M Dewil, C Schurmans, L Vanopdenbosch, S Starckx, G Opdenakker, L Van Den Bosch, W Robberecht. Society for Neuroscience, Washington 2004, online, No 96.10 (Abstract).
  • Relapsing meningitis caused by persistent cryptococcal antigens and immune reconstitution after the initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy. J R Boelaert, K H Goddeeris, L J Vanopdenbosch, J W Casselman. AIDS 2004;18(8):1223-1224.
  • The G93C mutation in the SOD1gene is an independent prognostic parameter in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. G Cypers, L Vanopdenbosch, P Tilkin, G Matthijs, R Sciot, V Thijs, W Robberecht. J Neurol 2003;250(S2):II/22 (Abstract).
  • De processie van de kreupelen naar Jeroen Bosch (ca. 1450-1516): een historische analyse. J Dequeker, G Fabry, L Vanopdenbosch. Millenium, tijdschrift voor middeleeuwse studies 2002;15(2):140-153.
  • Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516): Paleopathology of mediaeval disabled and its relation to the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010. J Dequeker, G Fabry, L Vanopdenbosch. IMAJ 2001;3(11):864-871.
  • Unusual phenotype with the G93C mutation in SOD1 in familial ALS. L Vanopdenbosch, W Robberecht. Neurology 2001;56 (8,S3):A445 (Abstract).
  • Textbook functional neuro-anatomy for physical therapy students. L Vanopdenbosch. KHBO Brugge 2000.
  • Mitochondrial mutations of Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy: a risk factor for multiple sclerosis? L Vanopdenbosch, B Dubois, M-B D'Hooghe, F Meire, H Carton. J Neurol 2000;257(7):535-543.
  • Leao’s cortical spreading depression and the somatosensory homunculus: a contradiction? L Vanopdenbosch, L Herroelen. Headache 1998;38(4):322-323.
  • Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. P Demaerel, AL Baert, L Vanopdenbosch, W Robberecht, R Dom. Lancet 1997;349(9055):847-848.
  • Early evidence of scleroderma. J Dequeker, L Vanopdenbosch, A Castillo Ojugas. BMJ 1995;311(7021):1714-1715.